Publications / Schumacher Center Lecture

Building a New Economy: What’s Love Got to Do With It?


Based on her memoir Good Morning, Beautiful Business (2013), Judy Wicks shares her experiences as a socially and environmentally concerned entrepreneur and leader in the localization movement. She tells the story of her stay in an Eskimo village where she was exposed to a community that operated through sharing and cooperation, co-founding the first Free People store in Philadelphia which sold up-cycled goods, founding the White Dog Café and ensuring its ongoing sustainable business practices. Wicks explains what it means to be an entrepreneur who cherishes the relationships among people, community, and the planet.


Publication By

Judy Wicks

Judy Wicks is a leader, writer, and speaker in the localization movement. She began buying from local farmers in 1986 for her restaurant, White Dog Café, which she started on the first floor of her Philadelphia row house in 1983. Realizing that helping other restaurants connect with local farmers would strengthen the regional food system, … Continued