
Cjegkitoonuppa (Slow Turtle), Supreme Medicine Man of the Wampanoags

ABOVE: Bob Swann, Slow Turtle, Susan Witt, and an event attendee at Jug End Reservation

To celebrate Earth Day and to remind us of our deep cultural connection with the land, the Schumacher Center together with the great Barrington Land Conservancy sponsored a talk by Cjegkitoonuppa (Slow Turtle), the spiritual leader o the Wampanoag people. Cjegkitoonuppa is also Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In that capacity he has introduced the practice of “sweats” and other traditional observances in prisons. Through these cultural observances individuals have been helped to reforge a connection with the natural world. Cjegkitoonuppaspoke of this connection in his talk.

The talk was held at the John Dewey Academy, Searles Castle, Main Street, Great Barrington on Tuesday, April 23rd at 8:00 PM. The event was free and open to the public. Refreshments and dicisussion followed Cjegkitoonuppa’s presentation.

Slow Turtle (1930-1997) was “a prominent Native American spiritualist and ambassador for American Indians throughout the world.” Historian Dr. Jack Dempsey of Stoneham, MA interviewed Slow Turtle at his office in 1991 and four videos of the conversation were later posted online.



Great Barrington Land Conservancy